Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Are you truly about 
others when you greet them?
Or does it give you a narci twinge...
when they pinch"your" social cheeks!

Some of us just by-pass a few of those who adore us, almost with abandon.
During this Holiday season we will be greeting those that may not be our favorite friends
or family.  As easy as it may be to hurry by, consider a tender thought.

If its out of your comfort zone...just relax, look at that Auntie, God-parent or family friend in the eye and spend an extra few moments with them.  For some of us, the effort will be significantly more than just crossing the room to talk with someone. It may mean allowing water to pass under a bridge... For others it may be demonstrating the "kindness" of holding their hand, even though they hurt you before...as you listen to their well wish's and maybe...a few woes. But what ever the jesture, if you will open your heart, you will come away with a spirit lifted and joy given!  And an attitude prepared for something new, different!  Coming away knowing you have found... "what's in it for me"!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

When You Least Expect It

We often walk right by. Not a thought, not a twinge.
Yet something of significance is waiting to be discovered.

We underestimate what life has in store, thinking we have it all planned.  Being prepared...but are we...

Its signs are subtle.  Like a cool breeze or warm sunshine...
Yet the delight is unmistakable.

Like the joy of surprise...
It happens, when you least expect it.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lifetime Season or a Blink

Friends...what do the look like?  Are they friends for a lifetime, a season, or a blink?  Are they "old friends", "good friends" "some" friends or what!...Do you keep them, or do they keep you? 
Are they digital, virtual, or "old school" pen-pals? You know, someone you never really met except on facebook. Or, how about the one you wonder...what ever happened to them...Are you connecting or re-connecting? Its really hard if you are a connect kind of friend.   Recently, I met up with an old friend.  Someone I can say Ive known for years. The scenario was the same. Its like every five years or so we reconnect purely by circumstance. Its quite a Joy! Something special.  Some how, our friendship has been all of these... 

Yet there is one that remains...

Friday, January 24, 2014

One Drop of Grace

Its like watching Olympic figure skaters display such strength and control.  They seem to glide effortlessly as they display the results of countless hours of practice.
Style, elegance..."Grace" 

Knowing the right thing to say can be a challenge at best.  When a  friend is down, or project has been rejected.  Maybe a relationship is failing, or distance has taken its tole. What we say, "or" don't say doesn't matter as much as "how" it is spoken ... "Grace"

Tempering your own response when you have been offended..."Grace"  

Thinking more of someone...                                                                                          

One Drop of Grace...
enough to make a difference!

God is able to make all grace abound to you!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hang On Move On

Looking for a certain something to fill a hole, or fasten you together? Feeling lost?  Something missing? 

 Like, "all the kings horses, and all the kings men...can't ..."

Depending on another for personal value and strength never works. Its a recipe for defeat, depression, division...disaster. You really are asking them for something they cannot provide. And, you go around, and around...and around again. As much as you try, it seems to no avail. It becomes exhausting... Try something else.  Something you may have been avoiding...

Revisit the God you once trusted and find value and strength again. He's been there all along.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Because Things Change

Welcoming in a new year can conjure up feelings of anticipation and excitement, or not. :(

As we walk out our daily routines, our comfort generally depends on consistency and security.  And, if we live life on a positive track, we press forward with strength.

But when we walk with defeat, we hold hands with it, and we struggle.

Anticipating life like you do while planning a vacation or a special event,
 can be fleeting...

So, if life isn't what it was, what you expected, or what you want, take inventory.

What are the constants in your life? The secure things?

Change what you dwell on, think about, and dream about.

Lick your wounds, Love yourself again, and begin to move forward, you'll soon be surprised....

Because things change...

                                       Luke 2:   And it came to pass............