Friday, January 20, 2012

Gentle And Strong!

My natural gift is to Encourage!...Lift spirits...and give you something to ponder!  I would jot down notes that related to things I was learning about, and post it on my cubicle wall at work.  It started as a reminder to myself!  But then, my co-workers began to ask questions, chime in their thoughts and opinions, and tell me how they were..."Encouraged"!   Or not...
Gee, sound familiar? ...

Blogging...Not exactly the same...but...Not that much different! 

Anyway, in the middle of each month this year, I'll post a
"Yellow Pieces" original.  Yes, each one really was posted in my work space!

So here's the "Piece"  for this month!

....How can  I... "Be a...  Lamb with a Lions Heart...

     When you think of a Lamb, usually you think...meek, mild,  non-threatening..
         and a Lion...Iconic strength...King of the jungle...Courageous!

I remember studying about loving your neighbor, even when it goes against your grain!.  Even when it seems like an impossibility! How can I love others like a a Lion!

  First ) Love the Lord God with all your Heart...Soul and Mind...
  Second) And Love Your Neighbor as Yourself!

                                                Without the first ... the second is impossible !
         ...Gentle and Strong!...

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