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Mountains: A Journey or an Obstacle
Sometimes a Mountain is referred to as an Obstacle! Something to get over, or go around! Something in your way, preventing you from moving forward!
Have you ever been up against a turning point or fork in the road? A decision to follow something in you…your destiny or calling, or something you know you have to do!
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It’s easy to look at it as a gigantic under-taking…something over whelming.., maybe unattainable or impossible! Like The Hoover Dam...now thats GIGANTIC!
It could be loosing weight, or getting in shape. Or, going back to school to finish something you started…It could be starting a business, writing a book or anything you have put off…The Dream you never really attempted!
Well, let me encourage you to look at it differently!
If you talk to a “Mountain climber”, you’ll hear quite a story of doubt, fear, then... confidence…then more doubt…But…as he see’s the summit, no matter how high or how distant, his confidence is renewed! How does he think...
1. No murmuring and complaining…(speaking the negatives of the journey to yourself and others)
2. Increase positive thoughts… Be thankful for what you have, Keep focused on the goal…relax you’ll get there.
3. Speak Gods words about you and your goal… words are more powerful that you think! He say's "You are Awesome"..."You are Strong"..."I've got your back"!
Keep it Simple: Return to a thankful heart! Demonstrate thankfulness. Don’t be affraid to live out a servant’s attitude. Make others needs a priority. Your personal needs will be met. Try it… God says…He knows all your needs, and He has plans to promote you and not harm you!
Take one step at a time…then another…looking to God for strength and guidance. If you tried before and failed… Never stop trying. You’ll get a different perspective when you seek Him... He's the ROCK !
Taken at The Hoover Dam! 2011 |
My Anchor Holds