Thursday, December 1, 2011

Windows? Dressings or Blessings...Then and Now

We are updating our "home office".  I've been spending more time in there, and it needs a few things.  As I thought about what makes an office space comfortable, my thoughts naturally reviewed my "office" likes and dislikes list.

When I started a new position at the hospital in 2003, the little office I had been given came complete with all the standard "office" features! Computer, phone, work table and printer.  It had "puddy" beige walls,  nice chair, and a coat hook.  All pretty generic.  But... this little office had Location, Location, Location!  It was prime real estate for a position like mine...

Yep...this little office had an all coveted WINDOW!  Not just any window... It looked out on Biddle Ave.  And, I could even see my car from my desk most days.  Dudes...You don't just get a window if you arn't a Manager or more.  It was Huge! I thought, Wow, this is Great!

When stress levels would rise to "crazy",  we would could be worse..."at least, WE have windows!"  Even the statement would bring a calming effect!  It ranks right up there with the "I'm on vaaacation" chant! :)

So what about now?  The "home office"?  My husband said,"well, at least you have a window!"

 Wow...What a Blessing ... Then and now! 

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