Well...If you are like me...My resolution keeping...
ie: habit modification therapy... is going...
Not good - not bad...just on going!
I have some "traditional" changes I want to make...You know, loose weight, get in better shape...read more (books)...
But the initiative to foster my "live" friendships, is the one that has the greatest potential for defeat!
We are all so busy and distracted that fostering personal face to face friendships have almost become a lost art form!
So often we default to convenience and comfort zones!
So step out of your box, and make lunch plans or a girls night and put it on the calender. You might be surprised how much you missed those friends...

Prov 27:9 Just as lotions and fragrance delight the sense's, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
You are so right Charyl!! Thank you so much for the reminder! I too, would like to grow in my personal relationships! Even getting on the phone and actually talking with friends and family is much better than text or facebook!