Saturday, October 13, 2012

Time to Hibernate?

The winds of fall have hinted their arrival. Rainy evenings have released an arrow of bitter cool, reminding us of what will press in.  This is my least favorite part of our changing seasons.  I love the color and its warmth, but cool damp drearies I can do with out.
The sting of bitterness will affect all of us at one time or another. No matter what the weather, it has a covert mission. It goes deep under cover and consumes our joy. It hibernates!

 As Autumn's beauty fades, and we gravitate to our fleece, fireplaces and big screens, give some thought to what's eating away at your joy. Are there sour bulbs you may be planting?  Let the warm fire of  Gods love soothe the wound and ease the sting.  

"keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent.  A thistle or two, gone to seed can ruin the whole garden."...Heb 12:15 Message

Soon the dry cold will come...

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