Some "Turkey Day" traditions call for "stuffing the bird" others do everything "on the side"...
Well, really we all do a little stuffing...
Throw that old offence, out with the bones...let it go..
Think Less...Thank more.
What ever is on "your" back burner...Take it to the giver of life...Give thanks with a grateful heart...
Happy Thanksgiving
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As I think about this year gone by, there are things that I never dreamed would have become an issue. Yet, so many things that have brought joy and reason to be and thankful.
With the new year rapidly approaching, take stock of how much tread-mill running you are doing. The same old, same old really gets you nowhere fast. "Boring"! Just one step in a direction outside your comfort zone, can make big difference. Give a toy, donate a coat, supply some groceries. Buy a Vet a cup of coffee. Spread some of the good you have, even if it's been rough for you.
Cast your bread on the water, it will come back to you on every wave.
And the King will surly say, As you have done for the least or the politely ignored, you have done for me!
So many of us don't really "do" Thanksgiving anymore. Oh, sure we may eat a wonderful meal with all the trimmings, and enjoy the holiday with family or friends. Many of us make the effort to travel "over the river and through the woods" or from "sea to shining sea"...
but then a nap and now shopping!
As the holiday approaches, take some time to assess where you are and who you are. Where you are going, and where you have been. Give some thought of those who have made a difference in your life. We take so much for granted. Be thankful to God the true giver of life.
Count your blessings name or list them...
Be thankful and show it!..."give thanks"!
Through the the good and bad, grab on and be glad.
Be thankful in all shapes you and works for your good!
Four More Years...
Well, where ever you have looked for change, the results are in!
No matter who our leader is, change can never happen if we don't work together. We are one nation so,
For the Love of our nation, wipe the steam off the mirror, take a good long look, and make the "personal " change it takes.
Get a cause
Stop talkin comes back
Pray for our leaders...
even if you never have.
Make a difference, Make a change
Have you found your niche' yet...Thought about it but...
Well what are you waiting for?
When you are reminded of something you have been putting off, it's time to ramp it up.
Just one small step will get you on your way. Don't wait thing you know, it'll be a pipe-dream.
There is a Dream down inside just waiting to dawn...celebrate you... Today is the day!